Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pathophysiology of Adenomyosis| Patofisiologi Adenomiosis

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Nursing diagnoses that may arise in patients with adenomyosis, among others:
  1. Comfort disturbances; pain associated with hysterectomy surgery 
  2. High risk of infection 
  3. Anxiety associated with not getting an adequate knowledge 
  4. High risk sexual patterns change

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pathophysiology of Glaucoma| Patofisiologi Glaukoma

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Nursing diagnoses that may arise in patients with glaucoma, among others:
  1. Comfort disturbances; pain associated with increased intra-ocular pressure 
  2. Disorders associated with sensory changes in the optic nerve and retina emphasis 
  3. Risk of nutritional deficiencies is less than demand 
  4. Risk of injury

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1| Patofisiologi Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 1

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Nursing diagnoses that may arise in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, among others:
  1. Ineffective breathing patterns associated with metabolic acidosis 
  2. Fluid electrolyte imbalance associated with dehydration 
  3. Risk of nutritional imbalance

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pathophysiology of Gastritis| Patofisiologi Gastritis

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Nursing diagnoses that may arise in patients with gastritis, among others:
  1. Severe pain associated with increased secretion of HCl 
  2. The risk of fluid balance disorders 
  3. Risk of nutritional deficiencies is less than demand

Pathophysiology of Achalasia| Patofisiologi Akhalasia

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Nursing diagnoses that may arise in patients with achalasia, among others:
  1. Nutrition is less than the needs associated with swallowing disorders 
  2. The risk of ineffective airway clearance